

11 julio 2024

Keraben Grupo installs 4 electric charging stations thanks to the MOVES III Programme

On 29 December 2023, KERABEN GRUPO received a grant for the installation of 4 vehicle charging stations within the MOVES III-IDAE Financing Programme with Next Generation EU funds managed through IVACE.

The locations of the stations are as follows:

  • Keraben Nules Central Offices MOVESI/2021/2514 (1.845,30 €)
  • Keraben Nules Parking K2-Design MOVESI/2021/2516 (1.171,50 €)
  • Keraben Nules Loads Warehouse MOVESI/2021/2517 (1.449,00 €)
  • Keraben Alcora (Ibero) MOVESI/2021/2518 (1.845,30 €)

These charging stations were installed and put into operation during the first half of 2023.

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