

07 marzo 2025 novedades keraben

Keraben Grupo has completed the FOTOCER project for the development of a photovoltaic ceramic with unaltered aesthetic properties.

Keraben Grupo recently completed the FOTO_CER project, which it has led since 2021 and whose objective has been the development of photovoltaic coatings on ceramic roof tiles (roof tiles) or façade tiles (tiles, slabs) with high transparency and optical quality, which allow electricity to be generated directly from the building envelopes.

11 julio 2024 novedades keraben

Keraben Grupo installs 4 electric charging stations thanks to the MOVES III Programme

On 29 December 2023, KERABEN GRUPO received a grant for the installation of 4 vehicle charging stations within the MOVES III-IDAE Financing Programme with Next Generation EU funds managed through IVACE.

13 marzo 2024 novedades keraben


The more than 1,000m2 of Keraben Grupo's space, "The Square", at Cevisama 2024 has become a meeting point for specifiers and end customers. The Keraben Grupo team attended to a large number of professionals who visited its stand to find out about the product. Interaction with each other, as well as with other companies in the sector, has allowed us to learn about, reach a consensus and discuss trends, needs and the capacity to adapt to a constantly evolving market and demand.

06 marzo 2024 novedades keraben


Keraben's collections were the first to be available on a digital platform that added agility and sustainability to the choice of materials for customers of the well-known firm from Nules. Coinciding with Cevisama 2024, Keraben Grupo has announced the integration of the Ibero and Metropol collections to this platform. Convenience, agility, access to real-time information and sustainability are the advantages of the new digital channel developed and expanded by Keraben Grupo. In addition to unquestionable advantages, such as agility and access to updated information at the click of a button, the digital catalogue developed by Keraben Grupo is an important step in reducing the company's environmental footprint and in its commitment to sustainability and care for its community.

22 febrero 2024 novedades keraben


On the occasion of the celebration of 40 years of Cevisama, Keraben Group prepares its participation through an exclusive space of 1,000 m2 , known as "The Square", in Pavilion 6Bis - Stand A1, where it will present the latest collections of the three brands that make up the group: Keraben, Metropol and Ibero. Cevisama is considered one of the most important international showcases for displaying the latest creations in the ceramics sector. It is an opportunity to generate business and to analyse the trends that the market will offer in the coming years.

07 noviembre 2023 novedades keraben

New Keraben digital catalogue

At Keraben Grupo, always up to date of innovation, and with the goal of simplifying the day-to-day life of our customers, we have developed the Keraben digital product catalogue, through a multimedia, multi-platform and dynamic tool that allows us to manage, in less time and in a visual way, all the information related to our products and services.

20 octubre 2023 novedades keraben

Visit Keraben’s virtual stand at Cersaie 2023

Discover all the new products that Keraben presented at Cersaie 2023 through the 360º tour of our stand. This space, under the creative concept "A Reflection of You" allowed visitors to immerse themselves in a memorable sensory experience that you can now feel again thanks to this virtual tour.

10 octubre 2023 novedades keraben

Keraben Grupo surprises and reaches out to all audiences with its proposals at Cersaie 2023

For yet another year, Keraben Grupo has taken advantage of Cersaie, the leading international ceramics trade fair, to present its latest innovations. Keraben Grupo's ambitious proposal, which includes solutions for every need and answers for a whole range of sensibilities, has surprised with its versatility, design and innovation.

28 septiembre 2023 novedades keraben

Artola Patio House

The Casa Patio Artola project in Cabopino, Marbella, is an integral reform of a 145 m2 patio house, with 60 m2 between patio and terraces, which has two floors, an open kitchen with island, three bathrooms, a toilet, three bedrooms, an office, kitchen and living room.

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